Want quick productivity hack? Remove your wisdom tooth.

2 min readOct 13, 2023


It’s been a while since I posted on Medium.

Back then, 5 years ago, I started feeling some pain on my shoulder whenever I worked hard enough, that caused me to take a rest for a while, distracting me from the work I am doing.

Unfortunately, this had been a recurring event whenever I focused on something for too long. I thought, maybe I have aged a bit hence I lost my ability for long focuses or hard work, that was until I want to a dentist and god X-ray’ed and realized the culprit lurking behind my jaws: impacted wisdom tooth, on both left and right side of the lower jaw.

Without hesitation, I went on the procedure to remove the impacted wisdom tooth on the bottom right side, and magically, half of the pain I am experiencing in recurrent manner had been gone. Now, I can focus a bir more and work a little bit harder, yay.

Yes, the post-surgery pain is awful, but, hey, the pain I went through for single week was worth it for my whole life.

Now, I have another thing to do in my to-do-list: removing the impacted wisdom tooth in the bottom left jaw.

I’ll keep you updated once I got that removed.

If you have impacted wisdom tooth, go ahead and don’t be hesitant to remove it, even if you need to put the dentist’s bill on your credit card. It’s worth every penny, I swear.

UPDATE: I got my other (bottom left side) wisdom tooth removed and never been happier than today! No more shoulder ache!

See ya.




Senior Software Engineer @ Pinhome with 5+ years experience in various technologies including Go and Flutter. All posts are of my own opinion.